The Vigil Honor is unique. It is the highest honor that an Order of the Arrow Lodge can bestow on its members. The Vigil honor is not earned; it is given to honor someone for going above and beyond the description of his or her position in scouting, for the greater good the lodge and Scouting.
Under no circumstances should tenure in Scouting or the Order of the Arrow be considered as reason enough for a Vigil Honor recommendation.
To be eligible for consideration for the Vigil Honor, an Arrowman must have been a Brotherhood member for at least two years at the time of the Lodge Vigil selection meeting; and a member in good standing with the Piedmont Council, BSA and Eswau Huppeday Lodge #560 (registered with dues paid).
All brothers in the list below are verified eligible for nomination of the Vigil Honor. They are grouped by Chapter. Both adults and youth can be nominated.
To nominate a brother, use the online nomination form below.
2021 Vigil Honor Eligible List
Bashaw, Melanie
Burns, Brian
Jenkins, Duane
Land, Coty
Morton, Will
Pasour, Brian
Salisbury, Roy
Apatschin Tschitani
Blanton, Rodney
Byers, Stephen
Goettge, Kevin
Newton, William
Walker, Steffan
Ayeli Gadohi
Balesky, Raymond G
Berg, Jason
Berg, Tyson
Brown, Seth
Burch, Joe
Haynes, John
Bridges, Cody B
Velky, Steve E
Lowaneu Wachtschu
Fisher, Jeremy
Gilland, Dan
Heavner, Chuck
Sebastian, Jim
Sebastian, Wyatt
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Barnes, Lee
Deweese, Tommy
Hayes, Sam
Lott, John
Lott, Noah
Setzer, Andrew
Setzer, Dennis
Wenzel, Zander James
Williamson, Mark
Young, Henry
Barringer, Luther
Burnside, Linda
Burnside, Welland
Byas, Owen
Charles, Michael
Cook, Ross James
Cunningham, Ben
Darden, Erik
Hollar, Dale
Lawrence, David
Lawerence, Jonathan
Reese, Andy
Smyth, Timothy